CAFU (Competence Aid For Ukraine)

Support for Ukrainian youth and young Adults.

CAFU-is a transformative initiative aimed at equipping young Ukrainians with the tools needed to overcome the challenges of rebuilding their country. In the wake of war, education, skills development, and support have become critical for both Ukraine’s youth and educators.

CAFU seeks to equip Ukrainian students and young educators with the competencies they need to contribute to post-war reconstruction, modernization, and sustainable development in alignment with EU standards and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through international exposure, non-formal education, and hands-on experiences, CAFU offers opportunities that go beyond traditional academic learning. It bridges the gap between formal education and real-world challenges, helping young people acquire the critical skills needed to contribute to their country’s recovery.

Key Initiatives of CAFU:

1. Four comprehensive courses: These cover topics such as sustainable development, EU governance standards, and entrepreneurial thinking. Designed for both students and educators, the courses provide critical knowledge that supports Ukraine’s recovery and development.

2. Study visits and job shadowing: Thirty selected participants will visit Sweden to engage in study visits and job shadowing opportunities, providing them with practical insights into international best practices and governance.

3. Small grant program: Participants will pitch ideas for initiatives aimed at addressing local challenges in post-war Ukraine. The most promising projects will receive small grants to support their implementation in local communities.

4. Alumni network: A long-term network of CAFU alumni will be established to ensure ongoing collaboration, mentorship, and mutual support among the next generation of Ukrainian leaders.

By investing in education, collaboration, and practical experience, CAFU is building the capacity of Ukraine's youth to actively shape the future of their country.