About dementia among family caregivers as well as people with dementia at an early stage.
When a close family member or friend develops dementia, it is likely that each family member will try to deal with their own feelings. However, within the family there are two sides which are equally sensitive and need special treatment and care under these conditions.
On the one hand, it is well known how painful a condition like Alzheimer’s is for sufferers but also for their relatives; how difficult it is for them to experience their daily life and how exhausting mentally and physically their care can be; how lonely and disoriented the patient feels when he/she cannot express himself/herself, perform basic functions, even recognize himself/herself, and how difficult and destructive is the work of those who care for such a patient.
Children and young people also need time to adjust to the news. It can be very difficult for them, and they may need help and support to talk and understand dementia, to think about who should tell them, what and when you should tell them. You may need to help them understand what dementia is and what a diagnosis means for their relationship. In the end, all the burden of caring for and supporting both groups falls on family caregivers, who need training in managing such situations and emotional and discharge.
Main objectives:
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