
Podcasting about sustainable living

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By producing a handbook, videos and postcasts project SustainCast aims to foster individual attitude and behavioural change!

The handbook will be filled with advice for living sustainably in six pre-determined life areas such as clothing, travel, waste plastic and energy use. The handbook will be supplemented by informative videos for each area and then will prepare adult educators to be able to produce podcasts. They will then, in collaboration with local volunteers, follow the efforts of the volunteers to become more sustainable in one or more of these areas of sustainability.

These will be documented as podcasts and all outputs will be collated on a learning portal which is the final output.

The target groups being:

  • Adult trainers/teachers in lifelong learning programs and who are teaching the subject of climate change,
  • environmentalism, and UN SDGs.
  • Students and Concerned Citizens who would like to live more sustainably.

SustainCast will provide easily accessible knowledge that can be used both as a reflection tool, but also as inspiration to try out the challenges in their own life, and begin the process of sustainable living in one area at a time.