Skills Development and Certification for Trainers of Synchronous Electronic Learning

A trainer of Synchronous Electronic Learning

SELCERT aims to develop a qualification (ISO certified) for trainers that deliver training online. Many qualifications exist for trainers (nationally and on the EU level) but very few qualifications have been identified for trainers of synchronous electronic learning. It is noted that this qualification does not substitute existing qualifications in the partner countries. It should be considered as AN ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION. Therefore, it does not cover all the knowledge, skills and competences a trainer should have to be able to do his/her work. It covers only those aspects of his/her work that CHANGE DUE TO THE ONLINE NATURE OF TRAINING.


More specifically, SELCERT aims to:

  1. Develop a qualification framework for trainers that analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate online trainings .
  2. Develop curricula, materials and digital methodological tools to train the web trainers so that they can successfully deliver synchronous electronic learning (that is participative, interactive, fun and in accordance to the principles of Adult Education).
  3. Develop a digital assessment tool through which trainers will be able to take the assessment and achieve the ISO17024 qualification.
  4. Develop a digital resource center and networking tool for the trainers on web to use, both to identify useful tools that they can use to deliver synchronous electronic learning but also to network between them, exchange ideas, support each other etc.
  5. Develop a multimedia guide guide (also abailable as paper based) on how to use adapt different techniques (experiential workshops, snowball technique, role play etc )to be able to use them on different platforms (eg zoom, teams etc).
  6. Develop a best practices guide for the delivery on online learning.