Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education

DEAL promotes the acquisition of competences needed for Adult Educators. Especially in the times of hampered face to face education, professionals in AE need advanced skills and competence to design and deliver open online learning and digitalised learning.

The project aims at developing a holistic, ICT-supported and competence-oriented learning and validation approach which is focusing on the development of digital competences in adult learning settings. It aims at qualifying Adult Educators to become Digitalisation Experts who are able to develop crosscutting digital learning units which can be integrated in AE courses, including relatively informal formats like mobility learning and internships and in different informal learning contexts at the interface of private and professional life.

With a focus on digital literacy and digitalised education it will contribute to the promotion and the valuing of those competences and learning outcomes that are of fundamental importance in our economy and that are acquired in non-formalised learning contexts to a large extent.

The project will contribute to an improved transparency of the acquired competences, to a higher variability of learning pathways and eventually to a better matching of learning contents and individual learning styles.