INFORMER: IntegratioN 4 feMalE migRants


The INFORMER project supports the economic and social integration of RAV (Refugee, Asylum seeker and Vulnerable migrant) women, their capacity to interact and feel at ease in their social environment and participate in social and political life. It also supports their move into work and facilitates sustainable labour market integration. 

Six, closely interconnected dimensions related to women’s integration run throughout INFORMER's outputs:

- the legal equality of women and men and the protection of women's rights
- women’s self-empowerment
- empowerment within the family
- basic language learning
- integration in the labour market
- the participation of women in social processes

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme under the Key Action 2 Adult Education call and involves partners from the United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Belgium and Sweden.