Terms of registration
The general terms of registration below apply to your registration for a course, programme, study circle or event (referred to below as a “course”).

Special terms
Please note that special terms may apply for some things, such as seminars, diploma programmes, longer programmes and degree programmes. Any special terms will be shown in the course-specific information that we will provide in connection with your registration and, where relevant, will apply instead of these general terms of registration.
Course participants who are minors
If you are below 18 years of age, you must have the permission of your legal guardian and you must provide your guardian’s personal data in order to register for a course.
Course content and course supervisor
Information about the department or local study association that is responsible for the course, a description of the relevant course, course fees, any additional fees or costs, payment terms and any special terms are indicated in the course-specific information you will receive in connection with your registration and your registration confirmation.
Course start, notification and invitation
Once you have registered for a course, you will receive confirmation of your registration. Before the course starts, you will also receive a written invitation indicating the location and times for the course. Unless otherwise indicated in the course information or your registration confirmation, an invoice will also be sent with the invitation. If you have already paid, you will not receive an invoice.
Course fee and payment
The course fee must be paid in accordance with the terms specified in the course-specific information and in your registration confirmation. In the event of delayed or missing payment, we reserve the right to charge statutory fees and penalty interest.
Cancelled course or changed times
If we are forced to cancel a course before it starts, you will always be entitled to a refund for the course fee you have paid. This also applies if we are forced to change the times of course sessions in a way that means you cannot participate in the course.
Right to cancel
In accordance with the Swedish Distance and Door-to-Door Sales Act (2005:59), you are entitled to cancel your course registration within 14 days from the date on which we confirm your registration (the cooling-off period)
If you cancel during the cooling-off period, we will refund the course fee we received from you.
If the course starts during the cooling-off period, you are required to give your specific consent to the course starting during the cooling-off period, and your right to cancel does not include completed courses. In addition, by registering for the course, you have requested that the course shall start during the cooling-off period. This means we are entitled to retain a proportional share of the course fee that is corresponds to the completed course elements.
If you booked your course in person at our office, your right to cancel does not apply as per this point
If you wish to exercise your right to cancel, you must inform us before the deadline runs out. You can inform us that you wish to cancel by contacting the office that is organizing the course.
Cancellation after the cooling-off period
Once the cooling-off period has ended, so does your right to cancel. However, you are still able to cancel the course once the right to cancel has ended.
If you cancel the course after the cooling-off period has ended but before the course starts, you are entitled to have the course fee refunded minus a deduction for administrative costs that cannot be avoided despite the cancellation. This administration fee is 10 % of the course fee, with the minimum being SEK 100.
If you discontinue a course that has started, you are obligated to pay the course fee in full. If your reason for discontinuing the course is a long-term obstacle to your studies, e.g. illness, you are moving away, or some other comparable circumstance that you could not foresee, we will refund the course fee for the uncompleted parts of the course minus a deduction for study materials.
In order for a refund to be made, you must contact Folkuniversitetet within two weeks after discontinuing the course and certificates must be submitted without delay.
You can cancel a course that has not started yet or uncompleted parts of the course by contacting the office organizing the course.
Other absence
If you fail to attend any course session for a reason other than those stated above, you cannot retake the session free of charge later in the course or get financial compensation for the session from which you were absent.
Study time and course material
Our course-specific information and your registration confirmation show when the course runs and how many course sessions are included in the course. The length of the course may be indicated by the number of study hours. If this is the case, each study hour is 45 minutes.
As a rule, course material is not included in the course fee.
If you are dissatisfied with a course, in certain circumstances you can make a complaint about the course in accordance with the rules of the Consumer Service Act with regard to defective service. In those circumstances, you should contact your local department. See under “Contact information”. If we cannot come to an agreement, you can contact the National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) via www.arn.se or by post: Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm. We will abide by ARN’s decision.
You can read more about your rights on the Swedish Consumer Agency website.
Contact information
You will find contact information for our local offices here
This is who you should contact if you have any questions or complaints, or you want to change or cancel your course registration.