Find your classroom
To maintain a safe distance in common areas we ask you to find out in which classroom your course is held before you arrive at Folkuniversitetet.
Here’s how
- Click “Find your classroom” below.
- In your e-mail invitation you can find your course’s seven-digit ID (“arrangemangsnummer”). Type this number in the search field and click “Sök arrangemang” (Search course).
- In the list of results, you can now see your course. Click the course and choose “Välj schema” (Choose schedule).
You can add the page with your schedule as a favorite or bookmark in your browser. Any changes will be shown in the schedule.
Please note that we may need to change your classroom even after the course has started in order to maintain a safe distance in classrooms and common areas.
Unfortunately, the schedule generator is only available in Swedish.
If you can’t find your course, please contact
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