Ballet Advanced OPEN with Christopher Matt

Plats Stockholm

Welcome to BA Summer 2024! Enjoy a summer in the city with dance classes at Balettakademien Stockholm.

Boka nu

Christopher Matt was born in the U.S. and was raised in Austria. He started his Ballet Training in Paris with notorious teachers as Nora Kiss, Raymond Franchetti and Jean Golovine and later pursued his dance  education with David Howard, Wayne Byars and the Stuttgart Ballet. Christophers dance career started as an extra for the Paris Opera. His first engagements as a dancer were at the Slovenian National Ballet, Oper Bonn and Komische Oper Berlin. He also worked as a freelancer both in the classical as the contemporary field at Staatsoper Berlin,  Deutsche Oper Berlin and other venues. Christopher obtained his teaching diploma with mention from the R.A.D while already teaching extensively in various places in Berlin in schools and dance centres such as BallettCentrum, Marameo, Tanzfabrik and Danceworksberlin. As a company teacher he worked with Les Ballets Trockaderos de Monte Carlo, AAADT,  Tanzkompanie Innsbruck, Dansecompani Göteborg, Lucinda Childs, Perridance, Bregenzer Festspiele ( also as a company manager )  and extensively - as well as in Berlin as touring Germany and  Europe - for DANCE ON. Christopher currently teaches at Deutsche Oper (Opernballett) and since many years in Paris at Studio Harmonic as main guest teacher for Wayne Byars. Christopher’s special focus is on musicality, flow, beauty and a healthy kinesiological approach to dance also integrating his knowledge of Feldenkrais, Shiatu and Qui Gong whilst building a solid, strong and versatile technique. Christopher speaks fluently German, English, French and Spanish. 

 Observe that the class in taught in english.

Level: Advanced - for advanced participants, vocational students and professional dancers over 13 years of age.
Booking: To book the course, please press "BOKA NU". You will then be redirected to a booking form. The form is also available in English.
OPEN: Drop in/single class is available

If you want to try out several different classes and techniques - BA Summer Dansa-kort is perfect for you! Read more here: BA Summer Dansa-kortPlease note that our regular Dansa Kort and klippkort are not valid during BA Summer (week 22-33).



Ingrid Sahlica

Ingrid Sahlica är utbildad vid Konservatoriet i Bratislava, Slovakien som pianolärare samt som konsertpianist vid Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm.

Ingrid har över 35 års erfarenhet av att arbeta som pianist, balettackompanjatör och pianopedagog med några av de främsta de främsta balettpedagogerna och koreograferna i världen. Hon är även en väletablerad mingelpianist och kompositör som arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. 

I Sverige har Ingrid arbetat med kompanier och utbildningar vid bland annat Balettakademien, Kungliga Svenska Balettskolan, Kungliga Operan, DOCH, Cullbergbaletten, Borgbaletten, Norrdans, Skånes Dansteater, GöteborgsOperan, Nacka Musikskola, St. Eriks Gymnasium och Kulturama och International balletschool. Ingrid driver även en egen pianoskola i Stockholm.

Ingrid Salica

Christopher Matt

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm

15 jul 2024 - 19 jul 2024
Måndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
mån 15 jul 2024 kl 10:30-12:00
  • tis 16 jul 2024 kl 10:30 - 12:00
  • ons 17 jul 2024 kl 10:30 - 12:00
  • tor 18 jul 2024 kl 10:30 - 12:00
  • fre 19 jul 2024 kl 10:30 - 12:00
Birger Jarlsgatan 70, 11420 STOCKHOLM
Visa på karta
1500 kr