Jazz & Heels Int/Adv OPEN with Malin Emmoth - Stockholm Higheelers

Plats Stockholm

Welcome to BA Summer 2025! Enjoy a summer in the city with dance classes at Balettakademien Stockholm.

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Malin is trained at the Professional Dancers Education at Balettakademien with further education in Paris and New York where she immersed herself in the styles of House and Waacking. Malin has worked as both a dancer and a choreographer for several productions for TV, stage and commercials. In 2004, Malin was accepted to the world-famous Cabaret Moulin Rouge in Paris and was a part of their touring ensemble that has traveled the world e.g. to China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina and around Europe. In 2010, Malin won the competition Streetstar 2010 in House Dance together with Maggie Aulin and then represented Sweden in one of the world's biggest Streetdance competitions - Juste Debout in Paris. Malin is together with Karin Ålemark the founder of Stockholm Higheelers - a company with a niche in old jazz/show dance and French cabaret culture.

The class has a focus on heels technique within the jazz style, but you can also participate without heels. 

Level: Intermediate - for intermediate participants, vocational students and professional dancers over 13 years of age. 

Booking: To book the course, please press Boka nu. You will then be redirected to a booking form. The form is also available in English.

OPEN: Drop in/single class is available

If you want to try out several different classes and techniques, BA Summer Dansa-kort is perfect for you! Read more here: BA Summer Dansa-kort

Please note that our regular Dansa-kort and klippkort are not valid during BA Summer.


Malin Emmoth

Malin Emmoth är utbildad på Balettakademiens yrkesdanslinje med fortsatta studier i Paris och New York där hon specialiserade sig i dansstilar som House och Waacking.

Malin är, tillsammans med Karin Ålemark, grundare till "Stockholm Higheelers"- ett danskompani med nisch i old jazz/Show dance och Fransk cabaret-kultur. 

Hon har jobbat som både dansare och koreograf i flertal TV-produktioner, scenföreställningar och reklamfilmer. 2004 blev Malin en del av den världsberömda cabareten "Moulin Rogue" i Paris och fortsatte som dansare i deras turnerande ensemble som rest över världen till länder som Kina, Japan, Brasilien, Argentina och runt hela Europa.

2010 vann Malin tävlingen Streetstar i House Dance tillsammans med Maggie Aulin och fick representera Sverige i en av världens största Streetdance-tävlingar- "Juste Debout" i Paris.

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm


9 jun 2025 - 12 jun 2025
Måndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
mån 9 jun 2025 kl 12:15-13:45
  • tis 10 jun 2025 kl 12:15 - 13:45
  • ons 11 jun 2025 kl 12:15 - 13:45
  • tor 12 jun 2025 kl 12:15 - 13:45
Birger Jarlsgatan 70, 11420 STOCKHOLM
Visa på karta
1150 kr