Welcome to our book club where we not only read a captivating book, but also improve our English skills in a fun and engaging way. Together, we dive into the story, discuss themes and characters, and learn new words and phrases. It is a perfect opportunity to combine your passion for literature with language learning in a relaxed and friendly environment.
English skills at B1 - B2 level (intermediate).
During six sessions we will:
- Introduce Oscar Wilde and the Victorian era.
- Discuss the main characters and their relationships.
- Explore central themes like beauty, hedonism, morality, and the soul.
- Analyze important events and their significance to the plot.
- Conclude with reflections on the novel's messages and moral implications.
Improve your English skills while immersing yourself in Oscar Wilde's fascinating world!
Course Literature
You don't have to buy the book. It is available to borrow on the course.
Esther O'Hara
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