Du som siktar på att nivå B2. För att hitta din nivå rekommenderar vi att du gör vårt språktest: http://www.folkuniversitetet.se/spraktest. Att välja en passande nivå är viktigt för att du ska få ut så mycket som möjligt av kursen.
Kursen kommer att fokusera på:
- att utveckla ditt ordförråd genom en blandning av teman och ämnen
- att du får ett uppdaterat och aktuellt ordförråd
- att lära dig undvika vanliga misstag på din nivå för att få ett mer korrekt språk
- att öva din förmåga att deltaga i samtal och diskussioner
- att arbeta i en skyddad och uppmuntrande miljö för att bygga upp din självförtroende på engelska.
Undervisningsform / Kursupplägg
Gruppundervisning, max 6 deltagare. Undervisningen sker på engelska och deltagarna är aktiva inom språket på lektionerna.
Litteratur & material
Ibland använder vi en kursbok (ingår ej i kursavgiften) ibland inte. Läraren kan komplettera med ytterligare övningar och artiklar från tidningar eller internet.
Do you find it difficult to speak English even though you have a good understanding of the language? Study English in a comfortable and friendly environment with a small group and improve your skills quickly.
Who is this course for?
This course is for students who are aiming to reach B2 in their spoken English. Please take our online language test to determine your language level: https://www.folkuniversitetet.se/in-english/which-level-should-i-choose/
Aims and content of the course:
In this course we will:
- develop your range of vocabulary through a variety of themes and topics.
- teach you how to avoid common mistakes at your level so that you speak more accurately and correctly.
- improve your ability to participate more naturally and fluently in conversation and discussions
- work in a safe and encouraging environment to build up your self-confidence when speaking English.
Teaching style
This is a small group with no more than 6 participants. All teaching and discussions will be held in English. Students are encouraged to participate as much as possible and discussions will take place both in small groups and together as one group.
Toi Boonyai
Toi is an English teacher at Folkuniversitetet in Gothenburg.
I was born and spent most of my teenage years in Thailand. Since leaving Thailand, I have lived in several countries including Italy, where I learnt Italian. I have also spent many years living in the United Kingdom and during this time, I became fluent in English. I also developed a love of British culture and all its idiosyncrasies which I hope helps bring my language teaching to life.
Since moving to Sweden years ago, I have worked as a teacher of English at all levels of competency. I also work as a Speaking examiner for Cambridge English exams at all levels.
To me it is extremely important that language lessons are lively, interactive and fun so that learning becomes easier. I believe if you have fun while learning, you will learn more without even realising it.
My interests are music, food and sport - in that order.

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