Learn Swedish through SFI at Folkuniversitetet in Helsingborg

Are you ready to learn Swedish and take steps into Swedish society? Then welcome to Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) in Helsingborg at Folkuniversitetet. Read more about our approach to SFI, our flexible class options and how you can apply today.

Learn Swedish through SFI at Folkuniversitetet in Helsingborg

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Folkuniversitetet has a long, established history of teaching SFI - Swedish for Immigrants. Our skilled and engaged SFI teachers will help you gain good knowledge of the Swedish language and Swedish society. Language instruction is a critical part of SFI, but it is just as important that you become familiar with living and working in Sweden. That is why you will learn much more than just words and grammar when you study SFI at Folkuniversitetet in Helsingborg.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school and helping you feel at home in Sweden!

Reasons to choose SFI Folkuniversitetet Helsingborg

  • School in central Helsingborg with nice classrooms and a student kitchen, close to the bus and train station.
  • High quality instruction with certified and experienced teachers.
  • Flexible study times and the possibility for distance education, when needed.
  • Access to educational aids in the classroom as well as digital learning materials.
  • Regular study visits to get to know Helsingborg.
  • Opportunity to combine SFI with a course about the Swedish job market.

SFI education that is right for you at Folkuniversitetet in Helsingborg

We adapt our SFI instruction to you, your needs and your educational background, regardless of level. We will help you find a just-right class option and course level.

SFI Folkuniversitet Helsingborg offers SFI courses B, C and D for study paths 2 and 3 in the following options:

• 15 hours/week, daytime and on-site at the school.
• 10–15 hours/week, flexible classes based on your needs.

Our flexible option gives you access to a digital learning platform that you combine with instruction and tutoring during the day or evening – in-person and/or remote via Zoom.

We continuously admit students, which means that you can start learning SFI with us as soon as possible.

Requirements to study SFI at Folkuniversitetet in Helsingborg

  • Be at least 16 years old; you can study SFI the year you turn 16
  • Be registered (folkbokförd) as living in the city of Helsingborg
  • Have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) or be an EU citizen with a coordination number (samordningsnummer)

How to apply for SFI classes at Folkuniversitetet in Helsingborg

Use the “apply” button to access the application form. Your application will be received by our administrator. We will contact you within two working days and give you more information. Within about 4 weeks, you will be ready to start studying SFI with us.

Apply now

Contact us

Do you have a question about SFI? We are here to help you and can answer any questions, big or small.

042-38 56 23