Swedish labour law - online course

Plats Distans

A distance course for those who need to acquire knowledge and tools in labour law to handle personnel matters, negotiations, and organizational issues. The course is conducted entirely online via Zoom.

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How much do you know about the laws and rules of the workplace? This is a course for you if you want a first and basic glimpse into the Swedish labour law, either you are just generally interested or if you have a managerial role. The course will cover issues such as rules for entering and ending employment contracts, leave legislation, co-determination and obligation to negotiate, anti-discrimination, and occupational health and safety. The course will have a focus on the practical application of such rules in the day-to-day work.


  • The characteristics of the Swedish labour market model
  • Labour and Employment laws, collective agreements and other kinds of rules
  • Forms of employment, entering and ending employment contracts
  • Different models for salary formation and setting
  • Rules on co-determination, bargaining and negotiations
  • Working time and rules on different forms of leave
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Occupational health and safety

The course provides you with a good insight into labour law and current legislation, as well as the knowledge to handle and apply applicable rules and agreements in employment and termination. After the course, you should have knowledge of how to act correctly in labour law issues and about the Swedish Co-Determination Act (MBL) and Employment Protection Act (LAS), as well as the rights and obligations of the parties involved.

Target Audience
This is a course for you who wish to gain a better knowledge about the rules concerning the relationship between the employer, the employee or trade unions. The course addresses anyone with an interest in these matters, regardless if you are employee, manager, union representative or just have a general interest. For those who need knowledge and tools to handle personnel issues and employment or have an interest in swedish labour law and related subjects. You can be an employee, manager, or executive with or without formal personnel responsibilitie

Theoretical presentations are combined with case work. This means that during the course, participants will work on real-life cases, discussing problem areas, and proposing solutions.

The course is held entirely online. To participate, you need access to a computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers, as well as an internet connection. No special programs are required. You participate in the course on the specified day and time. The course is held entirely in english. 

No prerequisites are required, but it is advantageous if you have work experience that allows you to relate to the course content.

Course Certificate

Certificates are issued at the end of the training for participants who wish to receive them and have attended at least 75% of the time, provided that the entire course fee has been paid.

In need of a different course plan? Get in touch! We develop tailor-made solutions for all types of teaching.

You can reach us at:

046-19 77 00




Cathrine Baumann

Cathrine Bauman har en drygt 30 år lång karriär inom HR och rekrytering bakom sig. Hon är idag verksam som Norden HR chef på ett internationellt företag inom bioteknik och läkemedelsindustrin.

Hon ansvarar för frågor kring bemanning, organisation, arbetsrätt, arbetsmiljö, policyimplementering och förändringsarbete samt att stödja ledare i deras ledarskap. Som kursledare drivs Cathrine av ett starkt intresse för människor och mänskliga interaktioner. Hon varvar lektionerna med teori och praktiska övningar. Hennes klassrum präglas av nyfikenhet, likabehandling och värme.

Har du frågor?

Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Malmö


19 sep 2024 - 17 okt 2024
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
tor 19 sep 2024 kl 17:30-20:30
  • tor 26 sep 2024 kl 17:30 - 20:30
  • tor 3 okt 2024 kl 17:30 - 20:30
  • tor 10 okt 2024 kl 17:30 - 20:30
  • tor 17 okt 2024 kl 17:30 - 20:30
Fåtal platser kvar
5395 kr