This course is taught in Spanish.
Note that this is a short term course spanning from week 10-15.
All dance has a clear common basis with movements with fast-paced, dance-like and suitably challenging training moments according to the children's maturity.
We do skips and jumps, we spin, roll and coordinate with our arms. We fantasize, invent and we dance fast, slow, hard and soft, etc. With the help of the music and how we combine movements, we create the right feel of ballet.
In addition to the playful learning of the dance steps, the pedagogy also involves "keeping going" intensively for a short time and learning to function in a group. The roll call at the beginning of the lesson is an important part for safety and interaction and then all children get to take their own place.
The lesson is accompanied by a pianist.
The age statements refer to the children's age at the start of the course. To participate in a 6-7 year group, one must be six years old when the course begins.
Please note that you enter the child's name and social security number when booking.
En Español
Este curso se imparte en español.
Tenga en cuenta que este es un curso de corta duración que abarca desde la semana 10 a la 15.
Toda danza tiene una base común, partiendo del desarrollo psicomotriz del niño con movimientos de ritmos lentos y rápidos, y adecuadamente desafiantes según la madurez de los niños. Damos saltos, giramos, rodamos y coordinamos con los brazos. Fantaseamos, inventamos y bailamos rápido, lento, fuerte y suave, etc. Con la ayuda de la música y de cómo combinamos los movimientos, creamos la sensación adecuada del ballet.
Además del aprendizaje lúdico de los pasos de baile, la pedagogía también implica "seguir adelante" de forma intensiva durante un breve periodo de tiempo y aprender a desenvolverse en grupo. Pasar lista al comienzo de la lección es una parte importante para la seguridad y la interacción y luego todos los niños pueden tomar su propio lugar.
La lección va acompañada de un pianista.
Las indicaciones de edad se refieren a la edad de los niños al inicio del curso. Para participar en un grupo de 6-7 años es necesario tener seis años al inicio del curso.
Tenga en cuenta que debe ingresar el nombre y el número de seguro social del niño al hacer la reserva.Kursledare
Ninette Duran Iglesias
Ninette was born in Havana, Cuba and started studying rhythmic gymnastics from 4 years old to 9 years old. She started studying classical ballet at 9 years old. Taught by prestigious Cuban teachers such as Alicia Alonso, Fernando Alonso, Ramona de Saa, Mirta Hermida and Esther García. She graduated from the Cuban ballet School in 2005 as a Pedagogue of Ballet.
I am Ninette Duran, I am a ballet teacher, character dance teacher, choreographer and physical trainer for dancers. In 2012 I graduated with honors from the University of the Arts of Cuba becoming a Bachelor in the arts.
Since 2005 I have joined the faculty of ballet teachers of the National Ballet School of Havana training dancers and teachers from Cuba, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and Spain. Throughout my career as a teacher and choreographer I have choreographed for important national and international ballet festivals in Cuba and Ecuador.
Since 2020 I have directed an International Online Certification to teach the Cuban Ballet Methodology to teachers who want to learn the Cuban ballet method in countries such as Puerto Rico, USA, Mexico; Ecuador, Spain, Italy and Colombia. The certification is endorsed by the International Dance Council of Unesco
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