Workshop: Gaga- Extended 16+ All Levels OPEN

Plats Stockholm

A two hour session which includes a one hour Gaga/people class and an additional one hour session where participants can gain a deeper understanding and access of tools used by gaga teachers during classes.

Boka nu

 During the second hour participants can ask questions which will be answered through physical exploration and tasks. 

Gaga is the movement research that was developed by Ohad Naharin throughout many years, parallel to his work as a choreographer and the artistic director of Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga was originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, ever-changing power of movement. Gaga classes are predicated on a deep listening to the body and to physical sensations.

Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening the body and adding flexibility, stamina, agility, and skills including coordination and efficiency while stimulating the senses and imagination. The classes offer a workout that investigates form, speed, and effort while traversing additional spectrums such as those between soft and thick textures, delicacy and explosive power, and understatement and exaggeration. Participants awaken numb areas, increase their awareness of habits, and improve their efficiency of movement inside multilayered tasks. 

The movement research of Gaga is in a continual process of evolution, and the classes vary and develop accordingly.

GAGA – Extended is open to people ages 16+, regardless of their background in dance or movement. No previous dance experience is needed. 

Participants should wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to dance barefoot or in socks. It is advisable to bring a bottle of water and a towel for use after class.

Booking: To book the course, please press "BOKA KURSEN NU". You will then be redirected to a booking form. The form is also available in English.

Drop-in is available.

Dansa-kort eller klippkort gäller inte på Gaga Extended. 





Emma Rozgoni

Emma är uppvuxen i Sverige och utbildad dansare vid Konsthögskolan i Oslo, idag med sin bas i Stockholm.

Efter många års utforskande i Gaga tekniken, med Ohad Naharin och Batsheva Dance Company, frilansande i Amsterdam och Israel, samt ett år vid Gaga Teacher Program, blev Emma certifierad lärare 2012. Emma undervisar i dans och rörelse för professionella dansare och skådespelare såväl som dansentusiaster med olika erfarenheter och bakgrunder, och leder kurser inom Sverige och internationellt för kompanier, utbildningar, festivaler och öppna workshops.

Hon har undervisat vid bland annat GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Kungliga Baletten, Cullberg, Norrdans, Skånes Dansteater, Iceland University of the Arts, Dans- och Teateralliansen, mfl.. Emma är också intiativtagare och medskapare till Improvisations festivalen i Ytterjärna ‘Metamorphosis- Improvisation and Movement Research Festival.’

Emma Rozgoni

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm

19 okt 2024 - 19 okt 2024
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
lör 19 okt 2024 kl 11:00-13:00
Birger Jarlsgatan 70, 11420 STOCKHOLM
Visa på karta
340 kr