Gaga/dancers OPEN with Emma Rozgoni & Lee Brummer

Plats Stockholm

Modern dans, nutida dans och fridans är närbesläktade dansstilar. I England och USA kallas modern dans för Contemporary, vilket betyder "nutida".

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Gaga is the movement language developed by Ohad Naharin throughout many years, parallel to his work as a choreographer and artistic director (1990-2018) of Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga was originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, ever-changing power of movement. Gaga classes offers a framework to connect to your body and imagination, experience physical sensations, improve flexibility and stamina, exercise agility and explosive power, and enjoy the pleasure movement.

Gaga/dancers deepens dancers’ awareness of physical sensations, expands their palette of available movement options, enhances their ability to modulate their energy and engage their explosive power, and enriches their movement quality with a wide range of textures. The classes are built on the same principles as Gaga classes but also employ the specific vocabulary and skills that are part and parcel of a dancer’s knowledge. The layering of familiar skills with Gaga tasks presents dancers with fresh challenges, and throughout the class, teachers prompt the dancers to visit more unfamiliar places and ways of moving as well, unlocking the endlessness of possibilities. Dancers are guided to connect their effort to pleasure and to discover the virtue of silliness.

Emma Rozgoni is a dancer and educator based in Stockholm. She holds her BA degree in dance from the Oslo National Academy of Arts. 

Working as a freelancer in the field of dance and movement, Emma has been teaching in Sweden as well as internationally for companies, educations, festivals and open workshops.

 After years of researching Gaga, the movement language created by Ohad Naharin, under the umbrella of Batsheva Dance Company in Tel Aviv, Emma became a certified teacher in 2012. 

Emma's teaching resume includes GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Royal Swedish Ballet, Cullbergbaletten, Carte Blanche Dance Company, Skånes Dance Theatre, Iceland University of the Arts, Dans- and Teateralliansen among others. 

Emma is also initiator and co-manager of ‘Metamorphosis- Improvisation and Movement Research Festival.’ in Ytterjärna, Sweden. 

Lee Brummer is an independent choreographer, international guest teacher and educator based in Sweden. She studied at the Jerusalem Academy for music and dance where she also completed her BA and teaching degree in 2007. Lee has studied psychology, theatre and pilates alongside her career as a dancer and choreographer.

Lee is the Associate Director and Co Founder of ilDance, an independent and international contemporary dance company and organisation based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 2016 Lee also manages GAGA SWEDEN under the umbrella of ilDance.

Lee danced with the Bat Dor Dance Company (Israel)The Emanuel Gat Dance Company (Israel) and with various independent choreographers across Europe. She has worked as choreographer’s assistant in a variety of dance productions and musicals in Sweden and abroad.

Over the years Lee has been teaching and working with companies such as: DV8, Australian Dance Theatre, Sydney Dance Company, GöteborgOperans Danskompani and National Dance Company Wales  to name a few. She has been guest teaching at open professional classes, schools and universities worldwide and has been choreographing her own work within different international structures since 2010. Lee became a certified Gaga teacher in 2019.

These classes are organised in collaboration with ilDance- Gaga Sweden.

Level: Gaga/dancers classes are open to professional dancers or advanced dance students over 16 years of age. 

Booking: To book the course, please press "BOKA NU". You will then be redirected to a booking form. The form is also available in English.

OPEN: Drop in/single class is available

Price: 100 SEK per participant, per class with professional card (Drop in option only)


Lee Brummer

Lee Brummer is an independent choreographer, international guest teacher and educator based in Sweden. She studied at the Jerusalem Academy for music and dance where she also completed her BA and teaching degree in 2007. Lee has studied psychology, theatre and pilates alongside her career as a dancer and choreographer.

Lee is the Associate Director and Co Founder of ilDance, an independent and international contemporary dance company and organisation based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 2016 Lee also manages GAGA SWEDEN under the umbrella of ilDance.

Lee danced with the Bat Dor Dance Company (Israel), The Emanuel Gat Dance Company (Israel) and with various independent choreographers across Europe. She has worked as choreographer’s assistant in a variety of dance productions and musicals in Sweden and abroad.

Over the years Lee has been teaching and working with companies such as: DV8, Australian Dance Theatre, Sydney Dance Company, National Dance Company Wales and Norrdans to name a few. She has been guest teaching at open professional classes, schools and universities worldwide and has been choreographing her own work within different international structures since 2010. Lee became a certified Gaga teacher in 2019.

Lee Brummer

Emma Rozgoni

Emma är uppvuxen i Sverige och utbildad dansare vid Konsthögskolan i Oslo, idag med sin bas i Stockholm.

Efter många års utforskande i Gaga tekniken, med Ohad Naharin och Batsheva Dance Company, frilansande i Amsterdam och Israel, samt ett år vid Gaga Teacher Program, blev Emma certifierad lärare 2012. Emma undervisar i dans och rörelse för professionella dansare och skådespelare såväl som dansentusiaster med olika erfarenheter och bakgrunder, och leder kurser inom Sverige och internationellt för kompanier, utbildningar, festivaler och öppna workshops.

Hon har undervisat vid bland annat GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Kungliga Baletten, Cullberg, Norrdans, Skånes Dansteater, Iceland University of the Arts, Dans- och Teateralliansen, mfl.. Emma är också intiativtagare och medskapare till Improvisations festivalen i Ytterjärna ‘Metamorphosis- Improvisation and Movement Research Festival.’

Emma Rozgoni

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm

22 apr 2025 - 25 apr 2025
Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
tis 22 apr 2025 kl 10:30-11:45
  • ons 23 apr 2025 kl 10:30 - 11:45
  • tor 24 apr 2025 kl 10:30 - 11:45
  • fre 25 apr 2025 kl 10:30 - 11:45
Birger Jarlsgatan 70, 11420 STOCKHOLM
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760 kr