Sing It - beginners level, summer course

Plats Stockholm

Want to develop as a singer but not sure where to start? This course, given in English, is a basic singing course which gives you all the basics to build a foundation for your singing technique. No previous experience required.

Boka nu

Target group and prerequisite skills

This course is for you who are 18 years old and up with some previous experience or no experience of singing.

Course content

We sing in a group of max 12 people and we will focus on:

  • Understanding how the voice works and discovering the possibilities of your own voice.
  • Learning the proper breathing technique and use of support to maintain a healthy singing manners.
  • Learning and using the basic voice registers like chest voice, head voice, falsetto and mixed voice.
  • Discovering and learning to sing different songs in popular music genres (pop, rock, rhythm’n blues, soul).
  • Warm ups and exercises to increase vocal strength and flexibility.
  • Discovering the joy of singing and learning together in a safe group setting.
  • First steps to building up the self confidence for solo singing.
  • One-to-one teaching at the end of the course.

To get the most out of the course, individual work outside the class is highly recommended. Note that the actual course content depends a lot on the group’s skills and the course instructor chooses the songs together with the group accordingly. It is advisable to talk with the course leader about any special wishes you have concerning the course.


Singing in front of others may make you nervous at first, but we will work on that as well. Our teachers are good and let everyone develop at their own pace.


The course is scheduled for June Tuesday 3, Thursday 5 , Tuesday 10, Thursday 12, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18.


Sanna Ruohoniemi

Sanna Ruohoniemi är turnerande jazzsångare, kompositör och sångpedagog med lång och bred erfarenhet som lärare. Hon har masterexamen från både Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm och Sibelius Akademin i Helsingfors.

Sanna har undervisat sång i olika musikskolor ända sedan 2010 och har bred kunskap och erfarenhet som sångare i olika genrer, både i olika grupper och som bandledare. Hon har släppt två kritikerrosade skivor – den senaste "Start from Nothing" släpptes hösten 2018.

Sannas undervisning består av olika sångtekniker, grundläggande musikfärdigheter och uttryck; rytm, harmoni, melodi, improvisation, komponering, ensembleledning. Huvudfokus för henne som lärare är att hjälpa varje sångare att hitta verktyg för att bli än ännu bättre sångare utifrån sångarens behov och mål. Att hitta sin egen röst och sitt unika sätt att uttrycka sig på genom musiken är viktigt för Sanna, både som pedagog och när hon musicerar själv.

In English:
Sanna Ruohoniemi is a vocalist and a singing teacher. She has graduated as a Master of Music and has studied in three different schools; Kungl. Musikhögskolan in Stockholm (KMH), Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, Denmark.

Instructor for: Song and choir

Sanna is specialized in the field of jazz, she has gathered strong knowledge from variety of rhythmic music. She has also been teaching for several years.

Sanna's teaching consists variety of singing techniques, basic music skills (rhythm, harmony, melody, improvisation, composing, leading a band) and expression of singing. The main focus for her as a teacher is finding tools for each singer so, that she/he could be free to sing as her/his own needs and will as a guide. Finding one's own voice and the freedom to express oneself in music is important to her both in teaching and in music, as is the joy itself while learning by doing.

Fotografi av Sanna Ruohoniemi.

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm

3 jun 2025 - 18 jun 2025
Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
tis 3 jun 2025 kl 17:00-18:30
  • tor 5 jun 2025 kl 17:00 - 18:30
  • tis 10 jun 2025 kl 17:00 - 18:30
  • tor 12 jun 2025 kl 17:00 - 18:30
  • tis 17 jun 2025 kl 17:00 - 18:30
  • ons 18 jun 2025 kl 17:00 - 18:30
Kungstensgatan 45, 11359 STOCKHOLM
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1950 kr