Acting in English, step 4 - Showtime

Plats Stockholm

In the Showtime course, the goal is for us to perform in front of an audience. Tuition is conducted in a small group, which enables us to immerse ourselves in work with the group, the play and the role.

Target group

To participate in this course, it is required that you have attended at least 3 courses at Folkuniversitetet in Stockholm step 4 course oror equivalent, and that you have experience of working in groups and with theater production either at "amateur level" or professionally. Send an email to for level assessment.

Course contents

We continue working with acting exercises, improvisations and exercises related to scripts and roles. We select a play or work together to create a script based on the group’s prior knowledge and composition. We go through a rehearsal and perform in front of an audience.


The course deepens your understanding of the relationship between script, role, plot, ensemble, and audience. By means of exercises, we work on presence, concentration, interaction, and spontaneity. We use concepts such as desire, means, turning point, conflict, and situation to clarify scripts and interpretations.

Educational format

Tuition is conducted in a small group of 5-10 participants but is to some extent individual. In some parts of the course, you watch while other course participants work, which is an important element of the course and the process. You must also be prepared to work independently to a degree between the course sessions.


The goal is for you to gain a deeper understanding of the work of an actor and of theatrical expression – and face an audience in a simple way.

Dress rehearsals and performance

The course fee includes rehearsals and performances in front of an audience, which take place at the last two sessions of the course. You will receive more information about this at the start of the course.


Wednesday 9 April 19:00-21:15

Break 16 and 30 April

Wednesday 23 April 19:00-21:15

Wednesday 7 May 19:00-21:15

Wednesday 14 May 19:00-21:15

Wednesday 21 May 19:00-21:15

Wednesday 28 May 19:00-21:15

Break 4 and 11 June

Dress rehearsal Saturday 14 June 14:00-16:15

Theatre performance including preparations Sunday 15 June 14:00-16:15

Continuation possibilities

Acting – Showtime is a course that you can do several times if you like. This will allow you to try several different roles and act in several different scenes. Each course is unique in that we work with new scripts. We also have courses that specializes in film, which will enable you to build on your experiences. In the film acting course, we work both in front of and behind the camera to discover and experience the differences between theatre and film acting.


Please talk to your course instructor if you are unsure of your level and how you should continue after this course.


Samuele Caldognetto

Samuele Caldognetto, director, actor, and teacher. Samuele has taught both Italian and theatre at Folkuniversitetet since Autumn 2009 and is highly regarded by his students. In 2009 he also started the English-speaking theatre company of Stockholm: SEST.

Samuele was born in Milan and grew up in Italy where he studied theatre at the universities of Florence and Milan. He trained as an actor with the theatre group La Compagnia di Proteo and then went on to study directing and began working as an assistant direct in the same group. Samuele has worked with several theatre productions and has been a theatre teacher since 2002.

In 2001 he directed his first play, "La Calza idiota". In 2005 he founded the cultural association "Isenzatetti" where he is still active and for which he is the artistic director, director, actor and set designer. For three years, he directed plays at famous theatres in Milan, among them "Don Quixote & Donna quijota "," Il buio oltre il sogno "and" Happy Days" by Samuel Beckett.

Samuele moved to Stockholm in 2009 and shortly after this founded the Italian theatre group TeaterPi, whose first play "La Signorina Papillon" was performed at Teaterverket in June 2010.

Samuele Caldognetto, regissör, skådespelare och lärare

Samuele undervisar både i italienska och teater på Folkuniversitetet sedan hösten 2009 och är mycket uppskattad av sina deltagare.

Samuele föddes i Milano och är uppvuxen i Italien där han har studerat teater vid universiteten i Florens och Milano. Han började utbilda sig till skådespelare med teatergruppen La Compagnia di Proteo. De följande åren började han studera regi och började arbeta som regiassistent i samma grupp. Samuele har arbetat med flertalet teaterproduktioner och som teaterlärare från 2002.

År 2001 regisserade han sin första pjäs, ”La calza idiota. År 2005 startade han kulturföreningen ”Isenzatetti” där han fortfarande är aktiv och för vilken han är konstnärlig ledare, regissör, skådespelare och scenograf. I tre år har han satt upp pjäser vid kända teatrar i Milano som t.ex. Don quijote & Donna quijota”,” Il buio oltre il sogno” och “Happy days” av Samuel Beckett. Samuele flyttade till Stockholm 2009 och bildade kort därefter den italienska teatergruppen TeaterPi, vars första pjäs La signorina Papillon spelades upp vid Teaterverket i juni 2010.

Fotografi på Samuele Caldognetto.

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm

9 apr 2025 - 15 jun 2025
Onsdag, Lördag, Söndag
Antal tillfällen
Första tillfället
ons 9 apr 2025 kl 19:00-21:15
  • ons 23 apr 2025 kl 19:00 - 21:15
  • ons 7 maj 2025 kl 19:00 - 21:15
  • ons 14 maj 2025 kl 19:00 - 21:15
  • ons 21 maj 2025 kl 19:00 - 21:15
  • ons 28 maj 2025 kl 19:00 - 21:15
  • lör 14 jun 2025 kl 14:00 - 16:15
  • sön 15 jun 2025 kl 14:00 - 16:15
Kungstensgatan 45, 11359 STOCKHOLM
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3100 kr