Join a playful scientific card game!
Welcome to a highly creative, engaging and thought-provoking workshop that fosters collaboration and teamwork. Come learn about the climate and collect ideas for actions to carry into your career and personal life. Understand climate change in three hours and leave empowered!
The workshop can be held in both English and Swedish - the facilitator(s) will contact you closer to the workshop date to decide which language is prefered.
About Climate Fresk
Climate Fresk is an organization with the mission to raise awareness and educate people about the basics of climate science, through an interactive workshop. Up until today, nearly 2 million people have participated in the Climate Fresk workshop in over 50 countries. The workshop is three hours and consists of three parts - learning about the causes and consequences of climate change (based on research), sharing our own reflections, and discussing solutions on how to mitigate climate change.
The workshop is designed for groups of 4-8 people, collaborating with each other.
Participants can have good or no prior knowledge on climate issues – everyone can learn something new!
This date doesn't work for you? No worries, there's another workshop in May. Click here!
Orsolya Peter-Acs
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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Stockholm