Click the "Boka nu" link above. You will then be transferred to the payment page. If you do not have a Swedish personal number, please click on the "Use the English booking form".
Please note that it may take up to 3 calendar days for the payment to be registered in your IELTS test taker portal. Your test booking will not be cancelled if you have paid within 1 day of registering for a test.
If you have any questions about your IELTS test payment, please email us at Alternatively you can call us on 031- 10-6573 (Office hours: Monday- Friday 9:30 AM-5 PM). If we are not available, please leave a message. Thank you.
IELTS Folkuniversitetet Gothenburg
For more info about the IELTS test in Gothenburg, please visit our homepage .
IELTS Gothenburg Office
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