Verb patterns refer to those verbs that need to be followed by another verb.
Is it: I am looking forward to meet you or meeting you? I love to do the cleaning or I love doing the cleaning?
So how do you know which form to use? You need to practice them in context and keep using them!
Prepositions indicate relationships between other words in a sentence and many prepositions tell you where something is or when something happened.
The meeting is at 10 o'clock. We will meet outside the café.
Most prepositions have several definitions, so their meaning depends quite a bit on context and many verbs and adjectives are followed by a particular preposition:
He was worried about arriving at the airport in time for his flight.
Aims and content of the course
In this course you will:
- learn about verb patterns:what they are, how to use them and what they mean.
- practice using them in conversation and learn when they can and cannot be used.
- look at the most common mistakes made with prepositions and practice using them in context.
- improve your ability to participate more naturally and fluently in conversation and discussions and expand your vocabulary.
- pronounce words correctly.
- work in a safe and encouraging environment to build up your self-confidence when speaking English.
Who is this course for?
This course is for students at B1+-B2+ level who want to know more about Phrasal Verbs and practice in a safe and encouraging environment.
Working methods
- All teaching and discussions will be held in English.
- Students are encouraged to participate as much as possible and discussions will take place both in small groups and together as one group.
- Speaking to each other in English is an important part of practice.
Course material
The teacher will provide material on the day of the class.
Mortimer Mccarthy
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