Summer campaign!
If you book this one and the next two-week course (A1 del 2 starting 14 July) at the same time, you will get 20% discount on the second (670 SEK). The discount will be refunded to you after you have started in the second course or earlier.
Target group and aim of the course
This is a beginners course in Swedish for you who do not know any Swedish at all. You will do the first part of a Swedish A1 course for completing the level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference.
The A1 level in the summer consists of two 2-week courses: A1 part 1 and A1 part 2. The "part 2"-course starts directly after this course.
In A1 part 1 you will learn:
- simple words and phrases
- to talk about yourself
- to ask simple questions and understand simple answers
- basic grammar
- to talk and write in Swedish about simple subjects
- about Swedish culture and society
Course structure
The teaching is in Swedish from the beginning. The main focus is on oral communication. We use practical daily life situations for practicing - in pairs or in small groups. To benefit from the course you should plan a couple of hours of homework per week.
Summer activities
When booking this course you will also be invited to a language café and a guided citywalk free of charge in the afternoons. We will inform you more about this once the course has started.
Our teachers are well-qualified and experienced. They teach exclusively in Swedish.
Course literature
Rivstart A1+A2, text and excercise book, 3rd edition. Course books are not included in the course fee. You can order them online, we do not sell course books at our school.
OPTIONAL: Extended course
In addition to your morning course, you can choose to have additional hours to practise your individual needs in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, professional language etc. Read more about how you book this here.
Practical information and accommodation
Folkuniversitetet does not arrange accommodation, but here we give you some suggestions.
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