Early Bird discount
If you book this course before 12.00 on March 21st, you will receive a 300kr discount and pay 3150kr. If you book after the deadline, then you will pay the ordinary course fee (3450kr).
Please note that the course will take place at the Folkuniversitetet premises in Gårda (Vädursgatan 5, 41250 Göteborg)
Target group
Students with no previous knowledge of the Swedish language.
Aim of the course
To know basic Swedish for everyday situations.
Course content
- simple ways of introducing yourself, greetings, shopping, ordering, asking for information etc.
- numbers and time
- reading and writing simple texts and messages
- word order
- Swedish culture and society
- Swedish intonation
The teaching is in Swedish from the start and the main focus is on oral communication. You are expected to take an active part in the lessons and your personal your own thoughts on various topics are an integral part of the course.
Course literature
Rivstart A1+A2 by Paula Levy Scherrer and Karl Lindemalm, 2023 edition (text and exercise book). Course books are not included in the course fee.
OPTIONAL: Extended course
In addition to your course, you can choose to have additional hours to practise your individual needs in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, professional language etc. This is not included in the course fee, you book and pay for that separately. Read more here how you book this.
To register and pay for a course
Click on the red button "Boka kursen nu" and complete the application form. Click on "Use the English booking form" if you do not have a Swedish personal number.
The course starts only if a minimum number of people sign up.
Torbjörn Asplunder
Jag heter Torbjörn Asplunder och har mina rötter i Östergötland. Jag har varit nyfiken på och fascinerad av språk och dialekter så länge jag kan minnas.
Det är mycket individuellt hur man lär sig ett språk. Personligen har jag stor hjälp av den musik jag kan uppfatta i språket jag intresserar mig för. Språkstudierna ger mig alltså en sorts musikupplevelse.
Under mina svensklektioner försöker jag så gott jag kan att under avspända och trivsamma former hjälpa deltagarna att hitta till målspråket. När sedan inlärarna själva börjar leka med ord och uttryck känns det som att de börjar bli flygfärdiga.
Intressen: Människor, resor, språk, musik, dans, film och teater.

Har du frågor?
Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Göteborg